Insua-Cao, P., Lu, Y., Pengfei, F., Rawson, B., Geissmann, T., and Browne, S. J. (2010). Status review and conservaton action planning for Nomascus gibbons. Primate Research (Primate Society of Japan) 26, Supplement(September 2010): 376 (Abstract only).

Status review and conservaton action planning for Nomascus gibbons

P. Insua-Cao1, Y. Lu1, F. Pengfei2, B. Rawson3, T. Geissmann4, S. J. Browne1,

1Fauna & Flora International, 4th Floor, Jupiter House, Station Road, Cambridge, CB1 2JD, United Kingdom,
2Institute of Eastern-Himalaya Biodiversity Research, Dali University, Yunnan, P.R.China,
3Conservation In-ternational Indo-Burma, 340 Nghi Tam, Hanoi, Vietnam,
4Anthropological Institute, University Zürich-Irchel, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zürich, Switzerland

The genus Nomascus, the ěcrested gibbonsî, is the most threatenedgroup of gibbons, with four species currently listed as Critically Endangered and the other two considered Endangered. All species within this genus are found east of the Mekong River in Cambodia, China, Laos and Vietnam. These countries have experienced turbulent recent histories, involving political upheaval and isolation, warfare and extreme poverty, and today all strive towards rapid socio-economic development, where biodiversity conservation is given scant regard. This has placed most natural habitats in these countries and the biodiversity they contain under immense pressure and gibbons are no exception. The survival of some Nomascus gibbon species is now completely dependent on in-situ conservation action. Following the Nomascus Symposium at this Congress, which will provide an update on the status of the genus in a formal way, this workshop will provide an opportunity for researchers and conservation practitioners working on Nomascus to come together to review their status and clearly outline steps for preparing an action plan for the genus. The workshop panel will facilitate a discussion to further update knowledge on status, threats, areas of further work and priorities. This information will form the initial basis of preparing an action plan.

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