Announcement: Javan Gibbon Workshop at the IPS Congress in Adelaide, Australia, on 9 January, 2001

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Dianne Gates
Silvery Gibbon Project, Perth

The Silvery Gibbon Project (established 1991 and based at Perth Zoo) will host a Javan Gibbon Workshop at the 18th Congress of The International Primatological Society, Adelaide, South Australia (7-12 January, 2001). The workshop is scheduled for Tuesday, January 9, 7:00 pm.

The urgent and critical situation of the Javan or silvery gibbon has been discussed and debated at the CBSG PHVA meeting of 1994, at a follow up meeting in Bogor in 1997, and more recently at a Gibbon Workshop held at the Great Ape Conference, Chicago in May 2000.

Various recommendations have come out of these meetings and the one that is most urgent and achievable is to establish The Javan Gibbon Rehabilitation Centre.

Since the PHVA in 1994, the Silvery Gibbon Project of Perth has been raising money and awareness for this critically endangered gibbon.

We have had a preliminary agreement that a Rehabilitation Centre would qualify for funding with the Margot Marsh Foundation of USA. The Silvery Gibbon Project is prepared to combine with Margot Marsh Foundation and other NGO's to establish and operate this facility in Java.

A Rehabilitation Centre would house the 100 gibbons currently held illegally as pets in and around Jakarta. These animals are important, genetically, and should be taken into consideration for the conservation of the wild and captive populations.


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