Formation of the Gibbon Conservation Alliance


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Thomas Geissmann, Gibbon Research Lab., Zürich

February 2004

The Gibbon Conservation Alliance (GCA) was founded in reaction to recent evidence that gibbons not only include the most endangered apes but also the most endangered primate species of the world. Several gibbon species are threatened by imminent extinction in the very near future. In addition, the small apes also represent the least known and most under-researched of the apes. The gibbons are the true neglected apes and need our help. The Gibbon Conservation Alliance is a non-profit organisation. Its goals are to save and protect the gibbons, to promote gibbon conservation, to provide information and support research on gibbons.

The creation of the Gibbon Conservation Alliance
In December 2003, Dr Thomas Geissmann gave a presentation at the Anthropologcal Institute of Zurich University, wherein he presented information on the imminent extinction of several gibbon species and on lack of public awareness about these threats. On 4 December 2003, as a result of this presentation, several students of the Anthroplogical Institute decided to help gibbon conservation by creating the Gibbon Conservation Alliance together with Thomas Geissmann. The constitutional assembly of the Gibbon Conservation Alliance was held on 5 February 2004.
ï Promotion of gibbon conservation and research on biology
ï Raising funds for these goals
ï Public work: Increasing public awareness of the gibbons, increasing the accessibility of research results, and increasing the awareness of the urgency of gibbon protection measures. This is done through publications, lectures, websites, CDís, exhibitions etec.
The Gibbon Conservation Alliance supports research on gibbon biology in general and projects aimed towards the improvement of gibbon conservation in particular. The Gibbon Conservation Alliance is a not-for-profit organisation. Funds come from:
ï donations and fund-raising campaigns
ï membership fees (annual student rate CHF 20, annual regular member rate CHF 30)
ï proceeds from the sales of publications

The current projects of the Gibbon Conservation Alliance are presented on the
website of the GCA.

Public work
The Gibbon Conservation Alliance publishes the Gibbon Journal. It appears once a year and presents reports on gibbon conservation and research. The Gibbon Journal can be downloaded from the
website of the GCA.

How can I help?
Would you like to do something for the gibbons?
The Gibbon Conservation Alliance conducts research and helps save the gibbons.
Help support this work! Your donations benefit the gibbons.
Become a Member!


Gibbon Conservation Alliance
Anthropological Institute
University Zürich-Irchel
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zürich



Site by Thomas Geissmann.
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Research Lab.


