Geissmann, T. (2000). Duet songs of the siamang, Hylobates syndactylus: I. Structure and organisation. Primate Report 56: 33-60.
T. Geissmann
Institute of Zoology, Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover
Key Words: Duet; song; siamang; Hylobates
syndactylus; gibbons; vocalisations.
Abstract: Siamangs (Hylobates syndactylus) produce loud and long song
bouts which are mostly exhibited by mated pairs. Typically, mates combine their partially
sex-specific repertoire in relatively rigid, precisely timed and complex vocal interactions
to produce well-patterned duets. This study presents a detailed description of singing
behaviour, repertoire, and song and duet organisation of several adult pairs of captive
siamangs. A comparison of the findings of the present study with previously published
descriptions of siamang duetting behaviour reveals that various authors have been
using different terms when referring to the same vocal elements, while others have
applied the same names to completely different elements. In addition, the organisation
of both the song bout as a whole, as well as the great call sequence in particular,
is more complex than has been believed previously.
Site by Thomas Geissmann.
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