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Nomascus leucogenys

Fully developed male vocalisations consist of same three different types of notes, uttered in the same succession as in N. concolor. The first note of the multi-modulated figure has a long section of stable frequency at the beginning; rapid changes of frequency modulation occur on second and sometimes on third note. Females produce great calls only. Great call similar to N. concolor, but usually faster and with more notes; usually 8-18 in N. leucogenys siki and about 15-30 (up to 39) in N. l. leucogenys. Notes begin with ascending frequency. Male produces multi-modulated phrase as coda. Duet song bouts.

a. male short phrases (Paris, Ménagerie, France, 17 May 1988)
b. great call sequnce consisting of female great call with male contribution (Paris, Ménagerie, France, 17 May 1988)

Nomascus leucogenys sound examples:
Press to start sound Duet song, adult pair, Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes, Paris, France, 17 May 1988.
Press to start sound Male phrases from same duet song bout, Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes, Paris, France, 17 May 1988.
Press to start sound Duet song, adult pair, Gejiu Zoo, China, 2 Aug. 1990.
Other crested gibbons sing in the background.


