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3. Acknowledgements

Additional tape-recordings of wild gibbons used here were kindly made available by Lan Daoying, Richard R. Tenaza, and Alice Brindle.

4. References

Carpenter, C. R. (1940): A field study in Siam of the behavior and social relations of the gibbon (Hylobates lar). Comparative Pschology Monographs 16(5): 1-212.

Chivers, D.J. (1974): The siamang in Malaya ñ A field study of a primate in tropical rain forest (Contributions to primatology vol. 4). Karger: Basel and New York.

Creel, N. & Preuschoft, H. (1984): Systematics of the lesser apes: A quantitative taxonomic analysis of craniomatric and other variables. In: Preuschoft, H.; Chivers, D. J.; Brockelman, W. Y. & Creel, N. (eds.), The lesser apes. Evolutionary and behavioural biology (pp. 562-613). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

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Haimoff, E. H. (1983): Gibbon songs: An acoustical, organizational, and behavioural analysis. PhD. dissertation, University of Cambridge.

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Kappeler, M. (1984): Vocal bouts and territorial maintenance in the moloch gibbon. In Preuschoft, H.; Chivers, D. J.; Brockelman, W. Y. & Creel, N. (Eds.), The lesser apes. Evolutionary and behavioural biology (pp. 376-389). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

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