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10. Literatur


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Geissmann, T. 1994: Systematik der Gibbons. Zeitschrift des Kölner Zoo 37: 65-77.

Geissmann, T. 1995: Gibbon systematics and species identification. International Zoo News 42: 467-501.

Geissmann, T. 1999: Duet songs of the siamang, Hylobates syndactylus: II. Testing the pair-bonding hypothesis during a partner exchange. Behaviour 136: 1005-1039.

Geissmann, T. 2000: Gibbon songs and human music in an evolutionary perspective. In Wallin, N.L.; Merker, B. & Brown, S. (eds.), The origins of music, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 103-123.

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